Quit Checked Terminates your Personal Press session. If you have not saved your changes before quitting, Personal Press will prompt you. Unavailable because a dialog box is open. Terminates your Personal Press session. If you have not saved your changes before quitting, Personal Press will prompt you. Print… Other Print… Checked Allows you to control printing of cover pages, paper source, printing (black/white, color/greyscale), destination and number of pages to print. Unavailable because no publication is open. Allows you to control printing of cover pages, paper source, printing (black/white, color/greyscale), destination and number of pages to print. Page Setup… Other Page Setup… Checked Controls paper size, page orientation and specific printer options. Unavailable because no publication is open. Controls paper size, page orientation and specific printer options. Defines document elements such as the size of the margins, the number and size of the columns, the size and orientation of the pages, and whether they're single or double-sided. Unavailable because no publication is open. Defines document elements such as the size of the margins, the number and size of the columns, the size and orientation of the pages, and whether they're single or double-sided. Places a graphic from a disk or folder into a selected rectangle in your document or directly into your document. Unavailable because the Arrow tool is not selected or a publication is not open. Places a graphic from a disk or folder into a selected rectangle in your document or directly into your document. Places text from disk or folder into a selected text object in your document. Unavailable because the Arrow tool is not selected or a publication is not open. Places text from disk or folder into a selected text object in your document. Restores your publication to the last saved version. Unavailable because no changes have been made since the publication was last saved or no publication is open. Restores your publication to the last saved version. Lets you rename your publication or save it to a different disk or folder. Unavailable because no publication is open. Lets you rename your publication or save it to a different disk or folder. Stores the current publication in a file with the same name, or prompts you for a name if the file hasn't been saved before. Unavailable because no publication is open. Stores the current publication in a file with the same name, or prompts you for a name if the file hasn't been saved before. Open Publication… Other Open Publication… Checked Brings up the Open Publication dialog box. You can select a publication from a disk or folder. Unavailable because a publication is currently open. To activate the "Open Publication" command, close the currently open publication. Brings up the Open Publication dialog box. You can select a publication from a disk or folder. Lets you specify link options for subscribers. Unavailable because a text or graphic object that subscribes to a published edition file is not selected or a publication is not open. Lets you specify link options for subscribers. Lets you preview and import published files into your document. Unavailable because a text object or a rectangle is not selected or a publication is not open. Lets you preview and import published files into your document. Moves object showing in the Workbook window to the open page in the publication. Unavailable because nothing is in the Workbook or a publication is not open. Moves object showing in the Workbook window to the open page in the publication. Moves selected objects to the Workbook. Each selected object will be placed on its own page in the Workbook. Unavailable because no objects are selected or a publication is not open. Moves selected objects to the Workbook. Each selected object will be placed on its own page in the Workbook. Copies selected object multiple times. You can specify number of copies and where the copies will go. Unavailable because no objects are selected or a publication is not open. Copies selected object multiple times. You can specify number of copies and where the copies will go.